Plate Heat Exchanger Plate and Gasket Spare Parts

Plate Heat Exchanger Plate and Gasket Spare Parts

HFM is a comprehensive platform providing non-OEM plate heat exchanger plate and gasket that are fully compatible with plate heat exchanger of all brands.

HFM supplies the OE quality plate heat exchanger plate and gasket spare parts, especially replacements for GEA, Tranter, APV, AGC, API Schmidt-Bretten, Sondex, Viex, Armstrong, Funke, Mueller, Hisaka, LHE, DHP, etc.

We have over 30 years of industrial experience, supplying plate and gasket spare part and providing services to over 3000 customers.
Good quality raw materials and high-accuracy mould manufacturing are the keys to ensuring the long lifetime of our high-quality plate heat exchanger plate and gasket spare parts.

Plate Heat Exchanger Gaskets Material – HFM supply a range of gasket made of different material, such as NBR, EPDM, HNBR, etc.

Product Feature of HFM Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger

Rubber Color Code Shore A Hardness Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
Min (℃) Max (℃) Min (°F) Max (°F)
NBR Standard 75±5 -10 110 14 230
NBR Food 75±5 -10 110 14 230
NBR High Temperature 75±5 -10 120 14 248
NBR High Temperature Food 75±5 -10 120 14 248
NBR Low Temperature 75±5 -30 80 -22 176
HNBR 78±5 -10 150 14 302
EPDM Standard 80±5 -15 150 5 302
EPDM Food 80±5 -15 150 5 302
EPDM High Temperature 80±5 -15 165 5 329
EPDM High Temperature Food 80±5 -15 165 5 329
Viton A 80±5 -10 160 14 320
Viton G 80±5 0 200 32 392
NEOPREN/CR 80±5 -5 80 23 176

Plate Heat Exchanger Gaskets Type

HFM supply four types of gasket, namely Glue type, Clip-on, Lock Type, and Snap-on.

Glue Type


Lock Type


Plate Heat Exchanger Plate Material

HFM supply a range of plate made of different material, such as SS304, SS316, Titanium, etc. Each plate heat exchanger plate can have different thickness too, from 0.4mm – 0.6mm.

Material Applicable Mediums Thickness
304SS Pure Water/Edible oil Ethanol 0.4/0.5/0.6
316SS Water/ Edible oil/ Ethanol/ Carbonic acid/ 30% Sulphuric acid 0.4/0.5/0.6
254SMO Saline / Inorganic acid 0.6
Titanium Sea water/130° C Chloride 0.5 /0.6
Hastelloy C-276 Organic acid / High temperature HF acid/ Hydrochloric acid (<40%) / Phosphoric acid (< 50%) / Chloride / Fluoride 0.6
Nickle 200/201 High temperature 50~70% Alkali 0.6
CI-Content 60° C 80° C 100° C 120° C
= 10 ppm 304SS 304SS 304SS 316SS
= 25 pm 304SS 304SS 304SS 316SS
= 50 pm 304SS 316SS 316SS Titanium
= 80 ppm 316SS 316SS 316SS Titanium
= 150 ppm 316SS 316SS Titanium Titanium
= 300 ppm 316SS Titanium Titanium Titanium
> 300 ppm Titanium Titanium Titanium Titanium

Plate Heat Exchanger Plate Type 

HFM supply a range of plate types such as H-Horizontal-Herringbone, V-Vertical-Herringbone, Standard, Wide-gap, Semi-welded, Double-Wall, etc.

Material Certificate

At HFM, we take great pride in adhering to the highest standards of quality and safety. We ensure that all of our products meet the rigorous requirements of GRG, FDA, and SGS certifications.

We have built up our global distributor network which spreads across every continent. We can significantly shorten your waiting time and save logistic costs for your urgent and regular needs. HFM have supplied plate heat exchanger plate and gasket spare parts to US, Brazil, UK, Malaysia, Germany and many more.
HFM and our global service teams are ready to deliver the best service to your plate heat exchanger anytime, anywhere.

Need more info?

Check out more of our services on our  HFM Youtube Channel.