The data center is an important infrastructure for the information industry. Nowadays the energy consumption of data center is getting higher along with the high density, high power server in use.
About 40% of data center energy consumption is from the cooling system. While meeting the cooling requirements of the equipment room, to reduce the energy consumption of the cooling system, natural cooling technology is currently widely recognized as a technology with better energy saving effect in improving the energy efficiency.
Working principle of natural cooling
Natural cooling technology refers to by using of natural cold sources to stop or in low capacity the operation of chillers or other mechanical refrigeration systems, thereby reduce energy consumption.
Water-water plate heat exchangers and some pipelines and equipment are added to the conventional air-conditioning water system. The chilled water uses a circulation system consisting of a cooling tower + a cooling water pump + a plate heat exchanger to exchange heat and reduce the temperature of the machine room. The plate heat exchanger is connected in parallel with the chiller, and the two are equipped with independent cooling water pumps and chilled water pumps. After the cooling water and the chilled water are exchanged in the plate heat exchanger, if the chilled water supply temperature can meet the requirements, the chiller is turned off, switch on the plate heat exchanger as replacement, and natural cooling is achieved. If the temperature of the cooling water cannot lower the temperature of the chilled water back to the required water supply temperature, the plate heat exchanger is switched off and the chiller is turned on direct cooling supply mode.
Cooling tower natural cooling
Cooling tower type natural cooling refers to the technology of using a lower outdoor air temperature to obtain low-temperature cold water through a cooling tower. It’s a technology replacing mechanical cooling to achieve data center cooling and one of the mostly used natural cooling technologies in the data center.
Cooling tower natural cooling includes: cooling tower direct natural cooling. The cold water obtained by the cooling tower is directly used in the precision air conditioner of the machine room. cooling tower indirect natural cooling. The cold water prepared by the cooling tower exchanges heat with the high temperature backwater of the precision air conditioner in the machine room through the plate heat exchanger to realize the cooling to the machine room.
3.closed cooling tower natural cooling. Low temperature water prepared by a closed cooling tower or low temperature ethylene glycol solution to directly cooling use for precision air conditioning in the machine room.
4.dry cooler natural cooling. The dry cooler is a tubular heat exchanger placed in the tower, and the circulating water or ethylene glycol solution from the precision air conditioner of the machine room is cooled by the low-temperature cold air circulating through the outside.
Plate Heat Exchanger in data center
The computer machine room runs all year round under constant temperature and humidity conditions. The equipment room maintains a temperature of 18-24 degrees throughout the year. The plate heat exchangers cool the cooling water of the equipment room with water or water containing ethylene glycol.
Considering the plate heat exchanger efficiency, temperature difference between the two sides of the heat exchanger is 1-1.5 °C. For example, the one side supply/ return water temperature is 13.513.5/18.5°C, the other side water is 21/15°C. Pressure drop is≤50kPa.