Honey can be consumed pasteurized or not. Honey is low in humidity and high in acidity, which means that bacteria cannot survive
Pasteurizing honey is different from pasteurizing milk or other dairy products, and it’s done for very different reasons. Because of its low moisture content and high acidity, bacteria and other harmful organisms cannot live or reproduce in honey, so pasteurization is not done for that purpose.
One of the few things that can live in honey is yeast, although if the moisture content is below 18% (as it usually is), the yeast cells cannot reproduce. All nectar (the source for all honey) contains osmophilic yeasts, which can reproduce in higher-moisture content honey and cause fermentation. So honey pasteurization kills any latent yeast cells that might be present and removes any chance of fermentation.
Pasteurization of honey reduces the chance of fermentation and also delays granulation. To pasteurize honey, it’s required to be heated reaching above 72°C and quickly cooled.
In one case of honey pasteurization, hot water of 85℃ is heating up the honey of flow rate 200kg/hr from 45℃ to 75℃, if required 80℃。Considering the honey liquid property, the gasket material should be suitable for PH3, and we adapt EPDM FDA material for the sealing part.
HFM designed custom plate heat exchangers for Asia and Oceania honey farm clients.
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