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The global raw material supply issue has gained more and more attention from national industry development community leaders. On the one hand, manufacturers are bearing the high-cost price and outstanding logistic delay. The period of complete production lifespan possibly got extended from one month to double times or even worse for a specific industry in some country. On the other hand, the surplus supply of low-quality materials of the specific industry in the past will still be cautious in the new production. The carbon emission requires raw material manufacturers like steel making plants to find eco-friendly and economical solutions to control the preliminary cost at every stage in the production process. Plate heat exchangers are advantageous in their efficiency and easy maintenance over other types of heat exchangers. HFM has supplied products to and maintained a good reputation and customer relationships with many steel making clients. Our sales representative and service engineers paid a visit to one of them last week and helped them with solving the PHE maintenance problems.
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